About Us

FCAMB plans to merge with a new California state organization, Life’s End Options (LEO). LEO is in the formation process and has applied for 501(c)(3) non-profit status. LEO is an educational, non-membership entity. Consequently, FCAMB is no longer accepting memberships nor donations. Until we “go dark,” you may contact us at the above phone or email address.

This transition at FCAMB is due to the following:

  1. Diminished participation at recent annual meetings.
  2. Lack of volunteers to help with the organization’s business.
  3. Our by-laws say our aging board members should have been replaced five years ago.

If you are a member who has made a discount arrangement with either of the two mortuaries below, here’s  what you should do:

  1. Current FCAMB discounts are honored at Pacific Garden Chapel (831-423-5721) and Santa Cruz Memorial. If you still need to establish a discount agreement, take your FCAMB documentation to one of the above mortuaries for a discount. These two mortuaries have agreed to honor your discount in the future. Contact one of these two mortuaries if you have lost your paperwork or have a question, as FCAMB is no longer involved in the discount arrangement. This letter can be used to show that you are an FCAMB member.
  2. We plan to share your membership information with LEO once we have merged. If you do not wish to have your information shared, please opt-out by contacting us by phone at (831) 661-0328 OR reply to this email at fcamborg@gmail.com.

We thank you for your past support, and honor your desire to have a stress-free death for yourselves and your loved ones.


Executive Board of the Funeral Consumers Alliance of Monterey Bay (FCAMB).